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Sales and Marketing Symposium. Sept 14.
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Sales and Marketing Symposium. Sept 14.
My name is Derek Laliberte, and I've never written my bio in the third person perspective. Why? Because everyone knows who wrote it.
I'm a native Minnesotan in denial that I've called Northern Indiana home for over 20 years. Married to my incredible bride of 17 years, we have two incredibly busy kids, Avery (15) and Chase (12).
I believe in authenticity. Let me say that differently. I believe in vulnerability. If I could get a do-over on the quote under my senior picture in my high school yearbook, it would say, "Tell these people something they don't know about me!' ~B.Rabbit
I'm the founder of a Brand Engagement Agency called Disruptur. I created it because, after 15 years in sales and marketing, I facilitated my own self-discovery. Cold calls don't work, and bad content doesn't convert. It happened when I reached a tipping point in 2017 when I realized that If I wanted to get ahold of someone or connect with someone, I would never use the tactics I was currently using. Why? Because they didn't work on me. I started paying attention to the way we engage with one another and how we relate to one another. Basically, I forged through the bureaucracy and rebelled against the norm, and as a result, Disruptur was created.
As a Brand Engagement Agency, I work with my clients on sales & marketing strategies. I write playbooks and processes and create marketing campaigns that focus more on the earned media than I do on the paid. Lastly, I encourage my clients to get comfortable being uncomfortable.
I've served on the Board of RemedyLive for seven years. I'm a former all-American athlete. I'm a published author. A former winner of Fort Wayne's 40 under 40 and a three-time platinum award winner for the Movember Foundation. I've served as Ministry Leader for Celebrate Recovery at the Chapel, and most importantly, I'm Tiktok famous.
The irony is that once I started opening up to people and being honest, I started connecting in ways I never dreamed possible. My name is Derek. I'm doing a workshop at a Winery. I'm a recovering Alcoholic, and I couldn't be more excited about being here.