Fort Wayne Accessibility

TravelAbility - Destination AllyA City for All Abilities

Fort Wayne is a city for people of all abilities. As a major adaptive sports competition site, we understand the importance of accessibility and are intentional to provide resources for visitors and residents to experience our city to the fullest. 

Accessible Locations


League for the Blind and Disabled

The League for the Blind and Disabled partners with Deaflink to help visitors and residents find the appropriate interpreting services for their needs.

5821 S. Anthony Blvd.
Fort Wayne IN 46816

Voice/TTY: (260) 441-0551 or (800) 889-3443
Videophone for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing: (260) 440-3013
DeafLink Emergency Pager: (260) 481-8153

Citilink Access

Need paratransit services while visiting Fort Wayne? If you’re certified in your residence area, call to verify your visitor eligibility at least one day before arrival to schedule your travel.

Keep in Mind
  • Citilink Access runs Monday through Saturday and follows the same service area as Citilink’s fixed routes and anywhere else within the Fort Wayne city limits and within ¾ mile of their New Haven route.
  • Citilink’s fixed routes are also ADA accessible, should you want more flexibility in planning travel.
  • Check out Citilink’s website for the latest fare prices.

To schedule a trip and verify eligibility, call (260) 432-4546.

Turnstone / Plassman Athletic Center

A U.S. Olympic/Paralympic training site, Turnstone offers fitness facilities for Olympians and Paralympians traveling through the area. The fieldhouse also offers drop-in rates for travelers looking for accessible workout facilities. 

(260) 483-2100

Bierman Autism Center

Bierman Autism Center offers services ranging from teaching social skills to therapy and support for children on the spectrum of autism.

(260) 254-2021

Easterseals of Northeast Indiana

Easterseals offers a broad range of services including employment services, day programs, residential services, recreation, and respite for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

4919 Coldwater Rd
Fort Wayne, IN 46825
(260) 456-4534

AWS Foundation

AWS Foundation supports community initiatives to make our city more inclusive for individuals with disabilities. Check out a list of some of these resources here.

YMCA of Greater Fort Wayne

The YMCA offers a wide range of Adaptive & Inclusive facilities and programs. 

Community Transportation Network

Community Transportation Network provides full access to community resources through friendly transportation services for seniors, persons with disabilities, children, youth, and the agencies that support them.

5601 Industrial Rd
Fort Wayne, IN 46825
(260) 420-3280

Superior Van & Mobility

Superior Van & Mobility - Fort Wayne, IN's rental program includes vehicles that are equipped with wheelchair ramps and customized seating to accommodate individuals with mobility challenges. They also offer airport pick-up and drop-off services for a small fee.

2218 Contractors Dr.
Fort Wayne, IN 46818
Superior Store Phone: (260) 497-8267
Superior Rental Phone: (844) 648-7368

Star Mobility Transportation LLC

Star Mobility Transportation LLC provides non-emergency medical transportation. Their services are targeted at individuals who need the appropriate facilities and support to get to medical appointments, rehab sessions, or home from hospital discharges.

226 East Collins Road, Suite D
Fort Wayne, IN 46825



Accessible Downtown Fort Wayne Parking

Download the PDF map

2024 City Parking Map

Click image for PDF

Take It With You

Information Collected by Visit Fort Wayne

This page is intended to be a useful guide for Fort Wayne visitors and residents with disabilities to easily access all that our city has to offer. Visit Fort Wayne intends to continue developing the content of this page to ensure this information is up-to-date and helpful. If you have a suggestion of more attractions, transportation, resources or other helpful information that should be included, please contact our staff. 

Contact Us

Lydia Harris

Lydia Harris Marketing and Communications Coordinator | (260) 424-3700

Accessibility Stories