Rachel Stephens Blog Author Bio Photo
Rachel S., Author

Rachel Stephens is a Purdue Fort Wayne Alumni and all-around cheerleader for Northeast Indiana. On the weekends you can find Rachel writing at a local coffee shop, brunching downtown or walking her Yorkie puppy, Jasper.

The Best Activities within 5 Minutes of the Grand Wayne Convention Center

If you are in Fort Wayne, Indiana for a convention or event at the Grand Wayne Convention Center you are also conveniently placed right in the center of Fort Wayne’s hub for entertainment and activity. With a walkable downtown and countless restaurants, arts, and attractions to explore, you can get a full Fort Wayne experience without ever getting into a car…

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Trivia Night in Fort Wayne, Indiana

If you’re looking for a night out, trivia is a fun way for friends to come together over a couple of pints of beer, light mental challenges, and many laughs. Several local Fort Wayne, Indiana bars have adopted regular trivia nights or sporadic trivia events…

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Sensory Kits at Fort Wayne Attractions

Attending events is not always a leisurely affair for everyone. Individuals with sensory needs can experience discomfort during a performance or event with loud noises, bright lights, or unfamiliar surroundings…

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