The Best Coffee Shops in Fort Wayne

Fort Wayne, Indiana is home to many great places to both eat and drink. Coffee shops around the city are places to build community and connect with all types of people. Stop at these local coffee shops before you begin your day or stop by for an afternoon pick-me-up…

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Coffee Guide: Taste the Fall Flavors

The foliage surrounding both sides of Clinton Streethas transformed into different shades of orange and red. When you step outside you can feel a slight chill in the air. You can never tell whether you need a jacket or not every time you step outside. It’s a feeling of nostalgia you get every year. It’s finally time to retire the SPF 50 sunscreen and replace it with oversized sweaters and fuzzy socks. That’s right, Fall has arrived in Fort Wayne, Indiana! …

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Follow the Fall Beverage Trail in Fort Wayne, Indiana

Much of the joy of Fall is ordering fancy, festive beverages that warm our hearts and our chilly hands. Whether you anxiously wait each year for pumpkin-spice-everything or you’re more of a casual chai drinker, autumn is a fun time to celebrate by sipping on something nostalgic in Fort Wayne, Indiana…

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Sip, Sip, Hooray! The Best Hot Chocolate

Hot chocolate. Hot cocoa. Drinking chocolate. A staple on any coffee shop menu, and sometimes a treat at many restaurants. Hot chocolate may be a forgotten drink option in the summer, but it really shines when colder weather settles in the Midwest…

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