6 Ways to Celebrate MLK Day in Fort Wayne

On June 5, 1963, an interracial crowd overflowed what is now the University of SaintFrancis Performing Arts Center in downtown Fort Wayne, and waited anxiously for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to take the podium. His visit to our city was faced with plenty of adversity, as were many other facets of the Civil Rights Movement, yet Fort Wayne activists kept on fighting…

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Johnny Appleseed Festival: the History Angle

What would the Johnny Appleseed Festival be without the pioneer clothing, tents, and the occasional cannon booming in the background? Well, it wouldn’t be the same, that’s certainly true! Abraham Lincoln (represented frequently by re-enactor Fritz Klein) wanders the festival grounds. At times…

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History You Can Feel: Turner Chapel A.M.E. Church

There’s rich, local African American history hidden in plain sight and waiting to be discovered in Fort Wayne. If you have ever driven East from downtown Fort Wayne on Jefferson Boulevard heading toward Indiana Tech, then you have seen Fort Wayne’s first and oldest black church. Turner Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church was founded here in 1849 and still serves faith and love to our community today…

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Do You Believe in the Embassy Theatre Ghost?

Every town has its folklore. Fort Wayne is no exception, and we’re celebrated for ghost stories. What else would you expect from a city that hosts an annual Fright Night and Zombie Walk? One famous spirit that may or may not haunt our downtown scene is affectionately called “The Embassy Ghost.”…

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225 Years of History in Fort Wayne, Indiana

Fort Wayne, Indiana was founded on October 22, 1794. To mark the anniversary of the city's founding, check out the following bits of history that you may not know. Quick History of Fort Wayne, Indiana Fort Wayne is Born After winning the Battle of Fallen Timbers over in Ohio, General Anthony Wayne…

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7 Scenic Routes in Fort Wayne

Fort Wayne has some amazing areas to explore. However, as the old saying goes, sometimes it’s not about the destination; it’s about the journey. Explore some of these scenic routes in Fort Wayne, wherever you're heading…

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