The Veterans National Memorial Shrine and Museum
2122 O'Day Road
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46818
Make plans to visit Fort Wayne’s military attraction: the Vietnam War Memorial Wall at the Veterans National Memorial Shrine and Museum.
The Vietnam Wall is a 360 foot, 80% replica of the original Vietnam Wall in Washington D.C., now permanently displayed here in Fort Wayne, Indiana for all to see.
The wall is a lasting tribute to those that served and were killed in that conflict – their names are etched on this black wall as far as the eye can see.
Come revisit the special memories of the loved one that you lost and take time to honor, respect and remember our fallen heroes, relatives and friends – the more than 58,000 people who gave their lives in service to our country. As long as people come to visit the wall, they will be remembered.
The Wall is the primary attraction of the Veterans National Memorial Shrine and Museum, which is also home to the W. Paul Wolf War History Museum, featuring over 2,000 artifacts on display in 6,000 square feet of space. The site also features memorials to every war where Americans have fought, located on 40 acres of peaceful land to honor and remember.
Roots and Research
Also located in Fort Wayne, you will find the nation's largest public genealogy collection at The Genealogy Center.
Discover your ancestors who may have served their country from the colonial period through today. Find those ancestors and learn their stories for free, with the help of a genealogist at The Genealogy Center.
The Genealogy Center is home to extensive resources, including a free subscription to the #1 online military database, Fold 3. You can access Fold 3, as well as pension records, draft cards, and military documents when you visit The Genealogy Center.
Start by booking a free appointment during your visit, and sharing your research goals with a genealogist in advance. They’ll help you make the most of your visit, as you discover the military records of your loved one.
More to Explore
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