Pitch Us an Idea!

Visit Fort Wayne shares visitor destination news with the media and connects journalists with our hospitality partners and experts. We seek stories, amplify Fort Wayne’s brand, and welcome ideas from others.

Do you have a story idea that is relevant to our visitor audience? We want to hear about it! Maybe it is a unique story many people don’t know about, a major milestone or anniversary, or a new and exciting program or visitor opportunity.

The Landing makes Fodor's 2022 Go List for the Midwest!

Visit Fort Wayne's work to host journalists and share Fort Wayne's story landed the city on Fodor's 2022 Go List!

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Your Idea

Please share your pitch in 150 words or less, including why it's of interest to the general Fort Wayne Visitor, and why now is a good time to share it. 


Is it ideal to tell this story now, or is the topic something that is always relevant?

* Indicates a required field.

For questions or more information, please contact Jessa@visitfortwayne.com