Finding a beautiful stained glass window is like happening upon a rainbow – it’s a breathtaking gift of story and color. Fort Wayne has plenty of stained glass windows to explore, especially in the downtown area.
Discover many of the beautiful glass art in these locations -
(Note: service times are listed, as this is when the churches will be open. However, if you want to visit when services are not being offered, check individual church calendars which are available online, or call ahead to make sure that the doors will be open and that you won’t crash a wedding!)
Shepherd of the City Lutheran Church
1301 S. Anthony Blvd
(260) 422-3790
It’s like stepping into a place frozen in time. Carved wooden pews have fancy arm rest supports; the altar is in an old style of highly carved decoration in a cleanly neutral hue. Traditional aisles and seats face the front.
But it is the windows that really draw your attention, spilling golden light over the upper, curved balconies.
The windows at Shepherd of the City glow behind the pews.
Look to the sides of the sanctuary. The windows are designed in sets of three, with a large center window flanked by two smaller ones. When the sun hits the lead lights, the air feels brighter.
Services are at 9:30 a.m. on Sundays.
The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception
1105 South Clinton Street
(260) 424-1485
Beautiful architecture and interior design fill this house of worship. Tall, creamy white pillars, warm, auburn woodwork, and fine pews line the interior, leading up to the intricate altar. Should you come for a special event at the Cathedral, your attention may be drawn to the beautiful windows that were originally commissioned in 1896. A short video explains more about the history of the church’s windows. (Watch all four videos in the series to learn about the church’s history and the local artisans who built it.)
The windows at the Cathedral are like old illustrations from books – sensitive, carefully detailed and full of rich color. Biblically-based scenes portray different events, and the glowing hues just beg for you to take a photograph of the intricate work.
Services in the cathedral are Saturday (5 p.m.) and Sunday (8:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. and 5 p.m.). The Cathedral is also open to visitors Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Saturday 1 – 6 p.m., and Sunday 7:30 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Emmanuel Lutheran Church
917 W. Jefferson Boulevard
(260) 423-1369
Emmanuel was just re-opened after a massive exterior and interior renovation. New paint, freshly replaced windows, and an overall freshening up has taken place! During its renovation, plain glass windows were left in the sanctuary, to protect the real stained glass from damage. But now, the church is ready to be seen!
When you look at these windows, you can see all the way down to the ground floor!
Tall, dignified windows stretch from the sanctuary main floor up through the second floor. Whether you are in the bell belfry area or in the sanctuary itself, the windows have an intriguing quality, as if you were peering through time.
Services are on Saturday (5 p.m.), Sunday (8 a.m. And 10:30 a.m.).
Trinity English Lutheran Church
450 W. Washington Boulevard
(260) 426-3424
When you step into Trinity English, it feels like you step into a piece of old Europe. Trinity English feels just like the pictures from the other side of the pond – stately arched entrances, orderly pews, copper-topped steeple, choir stalls at the front of the sanctuary, and elevated stained glass windows.
The windows are set high, above the first floor like clerestory windows in a cathedral. (In the past, clerestory windows were added at the tops of tall walls in order to provide light and air to the inside of the building.) At Trinity English, elaborate panes in fine detail filter in pretty scenes and give the sanctuary a lovely brightness that contrasts with the strong stone arches on the first floor level.
The church sanctuary is open for services on Sundays at 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
St. Paul Lutheran Church
1126 S. Barr St.
(260) 423-2496
St. Paul Lutheran Church evokes a grand, old German feeling of precision, grandeur, and reverence. The sanctuary has a high, ribbed ceiling, an ornately carved pulpit, and tons of stained glass tucked around the dark wooden pews and sloped floors.
The front of the sanctuary has glowing trefoil panes that sparkle in the evening light above the altar. To each side of the chancel is a wing with another set of large windows, stretching above and below the balcony line. And at the back of the sanctuary, towards the narthex, is a full screen of intricate stained-glass. (It serves as a wall between the entry hall and the inside of the church.)
Services take place On Sundays at 9:30 a.m.