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Tourism Master Plan Learnings

Latest Learnings

As we make progress on goals outlined in the 10-year Tourism Master Plan, every quarter we’ll be sharing the latest educational initiatives and resources that we’ve learned along the way. Our goal is to provide valuable information and opportunities for our community to engage in Tourism Master Plan efforts, enhance local learning, and discover opportunities to implement these learnings through business practices, employee engagement, and customer service.

Fall 2024

As a member of TravelAbility’s A11Y Club, Visit Fort Wayne is connecting with peers in destinations with similar focuses on accessibility. From this program, we are excited to share a copy of TravelAbility’s Accessibility Playbook that can help you with implementing small changes and the value of investing in accessibility. As we focus on being an accessible destination for all travel abilities, we are working towards progress over perfection. Any small steps we take can lead to growth! 

Transportation is one of the many recommendations with high community interest. If you’re interested in learning more about using public transportation in Fort Wayne, we recommend scheduling a session with Citilink’s Travel Training program. Riding the bus is made simple with this program!

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