Public Art Trail Digital Pass
Use your phone to “check in” at public art locations to win prizes! It is a fun way to explore!
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Fort Wayne is home to hundreds of pieces of public art, each with a unique story and design. Search our interactive map below to discover new pieces and learn their stories. Access this map on your phone to stroll the streets and see these amazing works of art.
Search by murals, large sculptures, and sculpture with purpose – our functional bike racks.
Sign up for the Public Art Trail Digital Pass or view the Downtown Public Art PDF.
Use your phone to “check in” at public art locations to win prizes! It is a fun way to explore!
Explore 15 sculptures celebrating 200 years of Allen County!
Use this searchable map to discover public art, and navigate throughout the community.
Take our Public Art Map with you with this printable PDF.
Experience an enhanced audio app for exploring Public Art in downtown Fort Wayne.
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