Susan Braun Blog Author Bio - Fort Wayne
Susan B., Author

Susan moved to Fort Wayne from southern Indiana in 1989 for a teaching job in Roanoke and has lived here ever since. She blogs at Girls in White Dresses and is the author of five books. She is also a piano teacher and enjoys living in the Fort with her husband and three young adult daughters.

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225 Years of History in Fort Wayne, Indiana

Fort Wayne, Indiana was founded on October 22, 1794. To mark the anniversary of the city's founding, check out the following bits of history that you may not know. Quick History of Fort Wayne, Indiana Fort Wayne is Born After winning the Battle of Fallen Timbers over in Ohio, General Anthony Wayne…

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West Central Home and Garden Tour & Artfest

September is an ideal time to be outdoors in Fort Wayne, and so it's no surprise that the month is packed with activities to keep you busy. One of my favorites is the West Central Home and Garden Tour and Artfeston September 10 & 11. This event is held in Fort Wayne's West Central neighborhood, in the area bounded by Berry and Jefferson Streets to the north and south, and Ewing and Garden Streets to the east and west. I often drive by these historic homes on my way into and out of downtown, and I've wondered what is inside. The Home and Garden Tour is a wonderful opportunity for you to see…

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