8 Iconic Dishes in Fort Wayne, Indiana

What are those incredible dishes that you will introduce to people for years to come? I've put together a group that I believe might appear on your list. Fort Wayne, Indiana is a city rich in restaurant history. There are several local establishments that have stayed true to their kind and still provide the same styles as they were at the beginning. These 8 iconic Fort Wayne, Indiana dishes will get your taste buds rolling…

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Get Active in Fort Wayne, Indiana

It can be hard to stay active (especially on vacation), but Fort Wayne, Indiana can make being active fun... like, really fun! Here's a day's itinerary to your active Saturday, or you can split it up and do each of these things throughout the week…

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Get to Know A Zookeeper

A trip to the Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo is a must-see when visiting Fort Wayne, Indiana. A top ten zoo in the nation, the Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo provides endless opportunities for learning, hands-on fun, and exploration. Part of what makes the zoo a phenomenal asset in Fort Wayne are the zookeepers that provide for all of the animals. Get to know zookeeper, Dave Messmann…

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The Best Bookstores in Fort Wayne, Indiana

Standing in the horror section of a bookstore, it seems like a B-movie cliché to say, “I heard breathing, even though no one was in sight.” And there wasn’t anyone nearby. The fellow shelving books a few aisles away wasn’t wheezing, and the only other patron I saw was clear on the other side of the basement, behind and through a sound-muffling maze of shelves…

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