The booking was secured by Visit Fort Wayne and a very dedicated group of volunteers from Indiana’s Third District who were eager to open our doors and share the Northern part of Indiana with the state delegates.
A few reasons the committee chose Fort Wayne include affordability (facilities, parking, hotels, and amenities will be less expensive in Fort Wayne), quality of meeting space, and a strong Democratic base of support. In addition, our bid team made it clear that we have an energized base of people who will work to make the event a success – starting with Mayor Tom Henry, who initially launched the bid proposal.
We are delighted to host this prestigious event, especially during 2012, which will be a presidential election year. We look forward to hosting their meetings and off-site functions, which could include TinCaps games, family and spouse outings, and more.
The event will be held June 15-17, 2012 and should bring 2,000-2,500 people to Fort
Wayne over the two-day period.
For more information, contact:
Dan O’Connell, Visit Fort Wayne - 424-3700
Dan Parker, Indiana Democratic Party Chair – 317-231-7100