Event Submission Guidelines

To have your event submitted to Current Fort Wayne for inclusion in our online, community-wide database of events, please fill out the fields below. Events must be:

  1. Located in Allen County, Indiana
  2. Open to the general public.  Events with an admission charge are allowed
  3. All images and descriptions of events must be appropriate for all audiences

By submitting your event below, you approve that your event may also be used or picked up by other community organizations at their discretion for their calendar of events, including:

Ineligible events include:

  1. Any high or middle school activities including sporting events, theater performances, art exhibitions or student gatherings. 
  2. Any garage sales (You may wish to submit these to Fort Wayne Newspapers.)
  3. Any commercial or sales function which simply promotes the business or its products
  4. Classes and ongoing workshops
  5. Membership meetings for clubs. 
  6. Political rallies, events and fundraisers
  7. Events located outside of Fort Wayne and Allen County
  8. Events not meeting our community’s decency standards

If approved, your event will appear on the calendar within 2 working days of submission.

If your event is not approved, you will receive an e-mail to notify you of it being declined. CurrentFortWayne.com reserves the right to refuse publishing any event for any reason.

Submission tips:

  • Please include as much detailed information as possible. The more complete the listing, the more views it will receive.
  • You must include the full URL when adding a website for an event: http://www.example.com
  • Please make sure your photo is sized correctly and does not include text. You can read our photo sizing guidelines here.
  • Please choose all categories applicable to your event. Events can be listed in more than one category, where applicable. (Your event may be reassigned by our staff to a calendar category to better suit our classification system.)

For more information, please email Visit Fort Wayne at info@visitfortwayne.com

View the Partner Calendars

Additional Information